Topographic Map

This is a topographic map of the Island of Rota in the CNMI. What I found interesting is the steep incline on the Southern part particularly the South West side. The North side of the island has a much more gradual incline.

PLSS map

This PLSS map is of Kirkland Washington. The ellipsoid is Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS 80). The horizontal datum is North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83/91) and the vertical Datum is Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).

Doppler Radar

This is a Doppler Radar image of Hurricane Andrew as it hit Miami. I like how it has included some street names to really give a feel for where it is. It is interesting to see how different each band is especially with the blackness of the center where the decibels of z are so low then the how quickly it turns to bright red on the complete opposite side of the dBZ scale.


This KML file shows the plants that output toxins into the air in West Virginia. I added the roads as a layer to show where they are in relations to major highways. Each of the little red flags is a a plant or mine and by clicking on them it brings up the company name the parent company name and information on the types and levels of toxins that are put off by the plant.


This is a remote sensing image that displyas vegitation across the globe. It is from